Fotos & Beschreibungen, zu allen Zeiss T* Objektivenfür die SLR’s.
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- 15mm 3.5 Distagon T*- Superweitwinkel Objektiv. Dieses Modell wurde bemerkenswerter Weise auch von Leitz & Nikon für Ihre eigenen Kameras bei Zeiss geordert!
- 16mm 2.8 F-Distagon T*- Fisheye lens.
- 18mm 4,0 T* Zeiss Distagon Germany
- Distagon T* 21/2.8– Noted for its unusual design and sharpness
- PC-Apo Distagon T* 25/1.4 – Prototype only.
- Distagon T* 25/2.8
- 28mm 2,0 Distagon T* – Noted for its lack of distortion. Nicknamed the „Hollywood“ due to popularity for adaptation to movie cameras.
- 28mm 2.8 T* Zeiss Distagon
- Vario-Sonnar T* 28-70/3.5-4.5
- Vario-Sonnar T* 28-85/3.3-4
- 35mm 1.4 T* AE Distagon West Germany
- Distagon T* 35/2.8
- 35mm 2,8 PC-Distagon T* – Noted for its shift capabilities.
- 35-70mm 3.4 Vario-Sonnar T*
- 35-135mm 3.3-5.6 Vario Sonnar T*
- Vario-Sonnar T* 40-80/3.5 – One of the two Germany-made zoom lens in the C/Y history.
- Tessar T* 45/2.8 – Noted for its unusual „pancake“ design, being very thin and lightweight.
- 45mm 2.8 Tessar T* Pancake
- Tessar T* 45/2.8 – 100 years of Tessar design Anniversary version. Finished with titanium gold barrel similar to G-series lenses.
- 50mm 1.7 Planar T* – Superscharf! Noted for its sharpness
- 50mm 1.4 Planar T* Die Standart Optik in MM & AE Version Japan & Germany!
- Planar T* 50/1.4 gold plated version, included with the limited „Golden“ CONTAX RTS camera
- Planar T* 55/1.2 – 100 years of Planar design Anniversary lens. A total of 1,000 were produced (Fabrikationsbuch Photooptik III, Carl Zeiss Oberkochen).
- 60mm 2.8 T* Makro-S Planar T* – Offers a higher magnification ratio (1:1) than the other MM macro lenses.
- Makro-Planar T* 60/2.8 C – Having the same optical design of M-P T* 60/2.8, but packed in a smaller barrel which offers magnification ratio 1:2.
- S-Planar T* 60/2.8 – The former type of Makro-Planar T* 60 mm f/2.8 which having the same lens design each other.
- 85mm 1.2 T* Zeiss Planar 50 years Anniversary lens (AE type). A total of 1,500 were produced (Fabrikationsbuch Photooptik III, Carl Zeiss Oberkochen).
- 85mm 1.2 – Planar T* 60 years Anniversary lens (MM type). A total of 1,503 were produced (Fabrikationsbuch Photooptik III, Carl Zeiss Oberkochen).
- 85mm 1.4 – Planar T* AE – made in Germany – es darf in keiner Objektivsammlung fehlen!
- Sonnar T* 85/2.8
- Planar T* 100/2
- Makro-Planar T* 100/2.8
- S-Planar T* 100/4 – Macro lens for using with bellows.
- Sonnar T* 100/3.5
- 135mm 2.8 – Sonnar T* Carl Zeiss – the universal classic Tele!
- 135/2 – Standard AE type lenses.
- 135mm 2.0 MM T* Planar Germany – CONTAX 60 years anniversary version (MM type).
- 180mm 2.8 T* Sonnar – das legendäre Carl Zeiss Olympia Sonnar!
- 200mm 2.0 T* APO SONNAR – Noted for its unusually high speed and an iris with extra blades for smoother bokeh and rounder highlights, designed for portrait and fashion work. It came with a set of drop-in filters.
- 200mm 3.5 T* Tele-Tessar. Das ausgewachsene Standard Teleobjektiv
- Tele-Tessar T* 200/4.0
- N-Mirotar T* 210/5.6 A smaller catadioptric lens with a built-in image intensifier, giving it an effective speed of 0.00012. According to some open sources, there were only 43 made.
- Vario-Sonnar T* 70-210/3.5 – One of the two Germany-made zoom lens in the C/Y history.
- 80-200mm 4 Vario-Sonnar T*
- Tele-Apotessar T* 300/2.8 – Noted for its sharpness and stratospheric price[citation needed].
- 300mm 4.0 Tele-Tessar T*
- Vario-Sonnar T* 100-300/4.5-5.6
- Mirotar T* 500/4.5 – Mirror lens developed in the Contarex era. A special ordered item from Zeiss Germany.
- Mirotar T* 500/8 – Mirror lens
- Tele-Apotessar T* 600/4 AE – Prototype only but several were manufactured; it was partnered with a bespoke 1.4x Tele-converter.
- Mirotar T* 1000/5.6 AE – Mirror lens developed in the Contarex era. A special ordered item from Zeiss Germany.
- Mutar I 2x teleconverter
- Mutar II 2x teleconverter of high quality, designed to mate with long telephotos.
- Mutar III 1.4x teleconverter
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Datenblätter der Carl Zeiss T* Objektive
alle Modelle im Zeitraum 1974-2005
- Aposonnar T* 2/200
- Distagon 1,4/35
- Distagon T* 2,8/21
- Distagon T* 2,8/25
- Distagon T* 2,8/28
- Distagon T* 2,8/35
- Distagon T* 2/28
- Distagon T* 3,5/15
- Distagon T* 4/18
- F-Distagon T* 2,8/16
- Makro-Planar T* 2,8/100
- Makro-Planar T* 2,8/60 C
- Makro-Planar T* 2,8/60
- Mirotar 4,5/500
- Mirotar 5,6/1000
- Mirotar 8/500
- Mutar 1.4x T*
- Mutar 2x T*
- PC-Distagon 2,8/35
- Planar T* 1,2/55
- Planar T* 1,2/85
- Planar T* 1,4/50
- Planar T* 1,4/85
- Planar T* 1,7/50
- Planar T* 2/100
- Planar T* 2/135
- S-Planar T* 4/100
- Sonnar T* 2,8/135
- Sonnar T* 2,8/180
- Sonnar T* 2,8/85
- Sonnar T* 3,5/100
- Tele-Apotessar T* 2,8/300
- Tele-Apotessar T* 5,6/500
- Tele-Apotessar T* 8/800
- Tele-Tessar T* 1 : 4/200
- Tele-Tessar T* 3,5/200
- Tele-Tessar T* 4/300
- Tessar T* 2,8/45
- Vario-Sonnar T* 3.3-4.0/28-85
- Vario-Sonnar T* 3.3-4.5/35/135
- Vario-Sonnar T* 3.4/35-70
- Vario-Sonnar T* 3.5-4.5/28-70
- Vario-Sonnar T* 3.5/40-80
- Vario-Sonnar T* 3.5/70-210
- Vario-Sonnar T* 4.5-5.6/100-300
- Vario-Sonnar T* 4/80-200
Contax N Objektive
Contax G Objektive
Contax 645 Objektive